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Choosing the Right Yoga Teacher Training Course

Deciding to do a yoga teacher training course is to bring a positive transformation in life. This change will affect all aspects of your life. The physical aspect is the first and basic part of Yoga that tones the body. The mind will become accustomed to remaining calm in tough situations. Spiritual growth will help you understand your connection to the universe.

Whether you are a beginner or a regular yoga practitioner, selecting a good yoga training course is difficult. There are various facilities offered by every yoga school for offline and online classes. The focus should be to select a yoga institute that provides authentic knowledge of yoga. Other reasons to consider should be yoga style, location, duration of the course, and experienced teachers. A lot depends on your objective of joining the yoga teacher training course.

Before joining a yoga teacher training course, take a look at these important points that will help you make the right decision.

Your goal in doing the yoga course

Most dreams and goals come true when the focus of learning is always kept clear. You may be thinking of yoga as your second profession while continuing the present one. Or you want to lose weight, tone, and heal your body. Some students are fascinated by the tradition and history of yoga culture. Others want to improve focus and channelize different energies of the body. The vision of the result will encourage you to make an informed decision. Your interest should match your objective.

Different yoga styles

It is easier to determine which yoga style may suit your body type by looking at yoga videos online. Take time to watch the complete yoga video to understand if your body is ready for a particular yoga style.

Search and read about the yoga style that interests you. Ask your yoga teacher or a yoga friend before joining a yoga school. Yoga practice is easy to modify according to age and health conditions.

A yoga-style can be slow like Yin Yoga or can be sweaty like Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga. Some yoga styles use props like Aerial Yoga, and some use intense breathing techniques that are not suitable for pregnant ladies.

Location and duration of the course

There are lots of options for good yoga schools globally. Sometimes even a gym near your house may be providing a small space for yoga classes. Or it could be in India that is the birthplace of yoga. A private yoga studio near your office will encourage you to pack your yoga attire and become fit. The most convenient option is a trend in online yoga courses. Students can practice yoga in their living room or a terrace and participate in live video yoga classes. The only things that you need is a good internet connection, a yoga mat, and a well-ventilated room.

Some courses are of short duration, like 50 or 75 hours. Other yoga courses may take up to a month to complete. It depends on the syllabus of the course that can be checked online. It should also match your daily schedule. The online yoga classes provide the convenience of studying and completing the yoga course at your own pace. These yoga schools always provide the best online support from teachers to clarify doubts.

Internationally accredited yoga school

It is better to opt for a yoga school that is renowned, authentic, and with a valid license of yoga teacher training. Yoga Alliance is one such independent entity that is formed to provide quality yoga education and certification. You can choose to do a 200, 300, 500-hour course and receive an internationally accredited certificate to teach anywhere in the world. Yoga Alliance also acknowledges training done in a specialized yoga style. This is counted as part of the continuing education program.

A comprehensive yoga syllabus

Studying yoga is only valuable when the study involves lessons of theory as well as practical. The syllabus of the yoga school should cover the yoga principles and philosophy, anatomy and physiology, chakras and mantra chanting, etc. It should enhance student’s yoga techniques, meditation practice, and different techniques of Pranayama. The online reviews help determine the training and success rate of students.

Learn from an experienced yoga guru

A good yoga school always has the best teachers. It is not difficult to search for a good yoga teacher online. The credentials of a yoga teacher are also given on the yoga school’s website. Yoga is a practice that gradually improves with experience. Therefore, check the number of years of yoga training and workshops that the yoga teacher has taken. Getting an expert and humble yoga guru is getting a mentor for life.


The philosophy of yoga is about the union of physical, mental, and spiritual. A good yoga teacher training course should fulfill all these three aspects perfectly. The yoga journey should be a life-long learning process, and yoga courses are the first step towards it.

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